Day 8 of 40 Days of Story: Who do you want to become on the journey?

You want something. And you want something even more.


In story structure our hero has a problem to solve, a desire to chase. It’s her/his external quest. But in that process there emerges an internal quest. The hero desires something deeper–ultimately needs to become something more.


One of my favorite features of story is that it calls out longings. It helps us see and name desires and dreams. And ultimately it’s not story if it’s not transformation.


Once again: Conflict drives a story. Desire defines it.


So here’s today’s question: Who do you want to become on this journey? How do you want to change and grow in this season?


I know. These questions can feel epic…and ethereal. But I’d encourage you to get really practical and hopeful. So, to get what you want in this season what will it ask of you? More courage? More patience? More vulnerability? More forgiveness? More joy?


What is that one thing you need more of…the one trait that you get to become more of?


As we go through this process we will talk extensively about the role of the Guide in story structure. But it’s worth noting it here. I don’t believe we become more–achieve this internal quest–on our own.


There are a thousand guides we can rally on our journey, but for me two have been the most profound. God–the Divine Ground of Being and Source of Love–not only guides me on the path of becoming but gives me the very grace to desire more and the power/love to become more. And secondly, I’ve needed trusted friends as guides. Their embrace of who I am now and their belief in who I can become keeps me moving.


More and more I believe: Community builds capacity.


So, consider your one trait you want to grow into in this season. Who do you get to become? And then, who can help you on this journey of becoming?


I leave you with the words of another guide of mine:


To Come Home to Yourself by John O’Donohue

May all that is unforgiven in you

be released


May your fears yield

Their deepest tranquilities


May all that is unlived in you

Blossom into a future

Graced with love.


Amen and amen. May it be so. And as always, I’d love to hear about it.