Day 3 of 40 Days of Story: Who are you in your story?

Today we explore who you are as the protagonist in your story. You’re the hero. And like all compelling heroes you’re flawed. It’s a given in story structure, and in life.


We enter into our own stories with such spectacular beauty, occasional badassness and awkward brokenness.


We are complex creatures. That’s what makes us so fascinating…and our stories so intriguing.


But here’s the deal. It’s easy for us to forget who we really are when we show up to our story—show up to desire.


Today’s exercise is to write out 10 “I Am” statements. When you think about what you want in this season—what you want transformed—you must first consider who you are. How do you show up to that desire?


Courageous…and scared shitless? Analytical…and playful? Full of moxie…and a bundle of nerves? Sarcastic…and extravagantly generous?


Don’t think too hard. But avoid clichés. Let yourself be surprised.


This simple exercise has power, if you let it. One time, it rescued a shoot I was leading in Brazil. I was producing a TV series where I took US rising celebrities to Latin America and connected them with creatives to learn and be inspired. So I took this American model and actress who wanted to become a fashion designer and teamed her with these incredible designers in Sao Paolo. But the model was having a melt down and the shoot was turning into a disaster. It was obvious: she couldn’t create beauty until she understood herself, and saw her own beauty. Ten I Am statements and a vision book later we were back filming again.


Simple. Right? I felt really good about guiding this young woman through this self-discovery process. I could see so clearly what she needed to know about her story. We finished the show and headed to the Amazon where I was to work with a former American Idol star. And then tragedy strikes—in that turn of the tables, poetic irony kind of way. When I get there I’m informed the singer can’t make it and…I’m told I still have to bring back a show.


Suddenly I must to be the talent…my story will be filmed. What??? The model’s melt down looked like child’s play compared to my own. Confronting my own imperfections and wonderings of worthiness while I was being filmed hacking through the Amazon and trying to learn the Samba in a dress with less material than a dinner napkin…well, let’s say it wasn’t always pretty. But I got my show. And I got to learn more of what it’s like to be a flawed hero—beautiful, badass and broken. What enabled me to show up to it was my extraordinary Associate Producer and dear friend who took the lead and reminded me who I was through the process.


And we all need that. We need trusted others who will say I see you–gifts and flaws and all. I see you, and I like you.


So, for today’s exercise: Write out your 10 I Am Statements. And the Bonus—extra points edition–is to then share your statements with a friend. Let yourself be seen and liked, flaws and all.