Here’s a confession: I’m addicted to my phone…well, to being connected to the world on my phone. This little addiction has served me quite well as a producer. Always in touch. Mega multi-tasker. Uber productive…and yes, more than slightly distractible.
I’m discovering this little addiction can be disastrous as a writer…and a pursuer of wonder.
So, as Day #6 dwindled I turned off my phone and disconnected my laptop from wi-fi and Day #7 turned into a wonderland of silence, solitude, prayer, writing, creative thinking, and reading. Wow…a whole world of aliveness came into sharper focus.
I know I’m in a rare season when I can delay returning texts, calls and emails for 27 hours. Yet, this Day #7 experiment was so needed, I plan to integrate Old-School-Offline-Wonder-Wednesdays into my schedule. We’ll see how long it last…hopefully long enough to break my addiction.
*OK, here’s another confession…I checked my phone 2x while writing this short post…Oh FOMO, my can’t I shake you?