Day 6 of 40 Days of Story: What is calling you out of your Status Quo?

All great stories start with disruption…including yours. What’s calling you out of your status quo?


Stories start with upturn–disruption is built into its very design. In story structure it’s called the inciting incident. Something happens to our dear protagonist to shake up the status quo. Suddenly life as he or she has known it is no longer possible.


Now our story gets going. Our main character is off on a quest to try to gain a new equilibrium. There’s something he or she wants or needs and must go and get it.


In the movies this disruption comes from an outside force. And in real life it usually does too. It takes a divorce, a job loss, an illness to shake up our own status quo. But on occasion disruption doesn’t have to entail external drama. It can be a tiny stirring for more that we let grow large.


If you have a stirring for more pay attention. If you have an external disruption don’t let that be wasted.


Yesterday I shared with you about one of my favorite status quo seasons: life in Colorado. Yet, disruption came. It came in the form of a job loss. The division I worked for couldn’t make their business model work and my new story started with a layoff. I was in shock.


Then disruption did its magic. It thrust me on a quest I would have never pursued on my own. This quest has entailed setting off to Cuba to direct a documentary series; journeying through the Middle East and Europe to interview refugees; shoving my belongings in storage for almost four years; living off of savings until savings were no more; co-founding two companies and I’m still in the midst of upturn. I remain unsure how this story will play out…how a new equilibrium will be established. But I can’t resist being thankful for the loss of status quo.


So friends, what is calling you out of your status quo? As I said: If you have a stirring for more pay attention. If you have an external disruption don’t let that be wasted.


I look forward to hearing.