What is Wonder Worth?

This week as I jogged through prairies and hiked up foothills and meandered about with coffee in hand, I contemplated the worth of wonder. Here are my musings…I’d love to hear yours. Do share. IMG_1459

What is wonder worth?

If all that caused me to render words useless, to halt my step, to slack my jaw, if all that somehow vanished…

If all that enticed my unconscious toward gratitude or called my curiosity to come and play, if all that succumbs to extinction…

If the numinous, the ineffable, the source of unexplainable beauty breathed no more…

My joy would die with it.

What is wonder worth? All the joy in my world.


What has wonder cost me?

Faster heartbeats and the slowing of time.

“Thank yous” whispered, some aloud.

A glance turned to a gaze.


I could have paid more.


An early morn to meet the rising sun.

A longer drive to chase a harvest moon.

On a rare day, a prayer on my knees.


I should have paid more.


A handwritten note.

A “I love you, too.”

A stooping low to meet a child’s eyes.


It has cost me so little, but I’ve promised it my heart.


Oh, to keep my promise.


What would I give for more?

I’d like to think I’d exchange the comfort of distraction for the rigor of intention.

On a good day I’d trade the ease of entertainment for the posture of surprise.

But could I barter this?

Control, the illusion I cling to.

My defenses, the power I wield to guard my broken heart.

Entitlement and pride for the fair market price of gratitude and awe.

I desire to desire that–to give my heart to higher loves.


How would life be poorer without wonder?

A desert without flowers.

A moon without light.

A mother without child.

A hope without cause.


The beginning of our happiness lies in the understanding that life without wonder is not worth living.”Abraham Joshua Heschel


Now for you…I’m curious how you might respond:

What is wonder worth?

What has it cost you?

What would you give for more?

How would your life be poorer without it?